10 Day Fast

From January 5th to January 15th, we’re starting the year with a powerful 10-day journey of fasting and prayer. Together as a church family, we’re aligning our hearts with God’s purpose, believing for an incredible year ahead.

Fasting can look different for everyone, and that’s the beauty of it—it’s not about a formula but about shifting your focus from yourself to God.

To make this journey impactful, we’ve prepared practical instructions on how to fast, along with daily devotionals to inspire and connect us. Be sure to check back each day for new devotionals and stay engaged with what God is doing in our community!
Ways to Fast
Ways to Fast
Full Fast
A full fast is when you drink only liquids for a set period of time.  This will mean replacing meal time with time in prayer. If you are doing a “liquids only” fast, remember to increase your daily water intake as some of our daily water intake comes from food. Drink more than usual to avoid dehydration.
Other Types of Fast
We understand that personal circumstances may prevent you from doing a full fast. There are other options! The goal is to put your focus on God.

A partial fast is when you fast from sun up to sun down.

A Daniel fast requires no meat, sweets or bread. It consists primarily of fruits and vegetables.
There are also the digital/social media fast, no sweets fast, or any other modification that works for you.
Vox Gen Fasting
Middle and High School students can join in as well! Vox Gen will be fasting digital and social media. This means no games, no social media apps, and no Netflix or Hulu. The intention is to spend time getting into God’s word and praying.

In addition to the fast, Vox Gen will have their own 10-day devotional. Email voxgen@vivechurch.org for more information!